The ASCE San Jose Branch was established in 1956 as a local branch of the San Francisco Section. ASCE members who reside or work in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito, or Monterey Counties are automatically established as members of the Branch. The ASCE San Jose Branch is one of five ASCE branches in the ASCE San Francisco Section, located in ASCE Region 9

Branch activities kick-off in October, at the beginning of each financial year, to provide exceptional value to ASCE members and local engineering community. During the year, the volunteers put on monthly lunch meetings in the San Jose area, annual Coastal meeting in Santa Cruz for our members in Santa Cruz and Monterey area, annual Scholarship Essay Contest, and the Officer Induction Ceremony.  

ASCE members and non-members are welcome to attend any event, which vary from social gatherings, student outreach, and technical presentations related to local civil engineering topics or projects . Recent presentations consisted of Highway 101 Improvements, self-anchored suspension SF Bay Bridge and BART extension projects.

ASCE San Jose Branch is proud to organize the annual Student Essay Contest with the support of local civil engineering companies and professionals.  Students from San Jose State University (SJSU), Santa Clara University (SCU) and Stanford University have enthusiastically participated in this contest every year for a total of  over $10k in this awards. Please refer to the scholarship page for more information and how you can get involved.

Feel free to contact any of the Branch Board members for information about the Branch. Thanks for visiting our website, hope to see you at the next meeting!!


Ex. 515.203.1061