Engineers and Projects


Members of the Redwood Empire Branch are eligible to receive awards from the San Francisco Section in a variety of categories for individuals and projects. To find out more about the award categories, or to nominate a person or project, visit the San Francisco Section Awards Page.

Student Scholarships

Each February, the Redwood Empire Branch of ASCE and the North Coast Chapter of ACEC award scholarships to engineering and surveying students at the Santa Rosa Junior College. Information is distributed to students through SRJC faculty. If you would like to learn more about the scholarship program, please contact us.

Fellow Members

A Fellow Member is a special distinction held by few ASCE Members. ASCE Fellows have made celebrated contributions and developed creative solutions that change lives around the world. It is a prestigious honor held by fewer than 3.5% of ASCE members. For more information on how to attain Fellow status, click here.

Life Members

ASCE Redwood Empire would like to celebrate our life members listed below! Thank you for you continued support.
-Daniel Caldwell
-Russel Eberwein
-Nicholas Farros
-John Locey
-Richard Mitchell
-Steve Pestell

Advancement to Life Membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers is an honor and unique accomplishment reserved for individuals who have made a life-long contribution and commitment to the Society and the profession. Furthermore, these members have reached the age of 65 years and have paid dues in any membership grade for at least thirty years and have had ten years of continuous dues-paying membership. Once a Life Member, dues are waived with the exception of the life member service fee to cover mailing of publications.