Branch Past President 2020 - 2021 | Aaron Leopold | PE
Firm: Dan Brown and Associates 


Aaron has been involved with the ASCE Younger Member Group and the Denver Branch for his last six years in Colorado.  He grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago and graduated with a B.S. (2013) and M.S. (2014) in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Aaron moved out to Colorado after graduation and his since worked at Shannon & Wilson as a geotechnical engineer.  His career has mainly focused on geotechnical design for heavy transportation projects, including landslide stabilizations and challenging foundation systems.  Within ASCE, Aaron has also volunteered his time for state-wide efforts such as the creation of the ASCE 2020 Colorado Infrastructure Report Card, the statewide Dream Big movie initiative, and Future City.  In his spare time, Aaron enjoys snowboarding and skiing in the winter and fly fishing and hiking in the summer.