Lunch & Learn: Fast Track Design of PFAS Treatment at a Surface Water Treatment Plant
The Mill Pond WTP is a surface WTP with a maximum treatment capacity of 3.0 MGD. PFAS was discovered in Mill Pond exceeding 50 ppb, above the state MCL of 20 ppb for the six regulated PFAS compounds. MassDEP required Burlington to take immediate steps in addressing the PFAS issue. As a result, the town had to quickly plan, design, and construct treatment improvements for the removal of PFAS. This presentation will discuss the efforts, techniques, and engineering design used to implement the fast-track 18-month schedule to complete the treatment improvements to treat for PFAS and protect the public water supply.
0.1 CEU / 1.0 PDH available
Speaker: Dennis Davis, Wright-Pierce
Location: Blue Gill Quality Food, 1310 SW 13th Street, Gainesville, FL