ASCE ​Michigan Section Contacts   

University Student Chapter Contacts


Therese Kline, P.E.
(ph) 517.241.0082
[email protected]

Lawrence Tech University

ASCE Faculty Advisor:
Adam J. Lobbestael, Ph.D., P.E.
Dept. of Civil Engineering​
21000 W. Ten Mile Rd.
Office E109 , Engineering Bldg
Southfield, MI 48075
(ph) 248.204.2538

[email protected]
Student Chapter Co-Presidents:
Alisha Stidam and Rebecca Janke 


Steven Waalkes P.E.
(ph) 616.633.9629


Michigan State University

ASCE Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Neeraj Buch
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
3546 Engineering Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
(ph) 517.432.0012
(fax) 517.432.1827
Student Chapter President:
Eric Kastelic

Vice President

Melinda Bacon, P.E.
(ph) 269.207.4431

Michigan Technological University

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dr. L. Sandberg
870 Dow Environmental
Sciences and Engineering Building
Houghton, MI 49931
(ph) 906.487.2124

Student Chapter President:
Natalie Parker

Past President

Carey Suhan, P.E.
(ph) 248.588.6200

University of Michigan
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dr. Sherif El-Tawil
2374 G G Brown Laboratory
2350 Hayward St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
(ph) 734.764.5617
(fax) 734.764.4292


Jacob Aldo Rushlow, P.E.
(ph) 734.522.6711


Wayne State University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
2164 Engineering Bldg.
5050 Anthony Wayne Dr.
Detroit, MI 48201
(ph) 313.577.3825
(fax) 313.578.5773


Christopher Owen, P.E.
(ph) 248.431.1361

University of Detroit Mercy
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Professor James Lynch, P.E.
4001 W. McNichols Dr.
Detroit, MI 48221-3038
(ph) 313.993.3361
(fax) 313.993.1187

Executive Director

Ronald W. Brenke, P.E.
(ph) 517.332.2066