President’s Message

As the 2023-2024 ASCE Nashville Branch President, I want to welcome you to our website. Members of the Nashville Branch are very active and on this website you will find updated information regarding meetings, social events, and activities for current and future members alike. Our intent is to provide our members a hub of information to enhance their professional and technical development while maintaining a close relationship through social activities and community involvement.

The Branch holds regular meetings, most of them typically on the 3rd Thursday of the month, with many allowing the opportunity for one professional development hour (PDH).  

We envision our members as leaders building a better quality of life. Through the development of leadership, the advancement of technology, lifelong learning, and the promotion of our profession we will truly achieve a better world by design.

We hope you enjoy your experience here and we look forward to meeting you in person.

Kevin Sigg, P.E.
ASCE Nashville Branch President





Thank you to our 2021 Sustaining Members:

Thank you to our 2025 Sustaining Members:

Sustaining Members (CDM Smith & Prosper Engineering)

Your company could be here! Email 

Suzanne Herron or Clint Camp to become a Sustaining Member

or pay the 2025 Dues HERE.