August 2022 Lunch Meeting - ASCE SLO

Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 12:00 PM

Please join us on Thursday, August 18th to enjoy a presentation on the Main West Tank project in the City of Paso Robles. Charlie Gray, P.E., Josh Reynolds, P.E. and Michael Goymerac, P.E. will be delivering the presentation . This project was recently awarded the 2022 Outstanding Water Project of the Year. Come hear why.

About the Presentation:

The City of Paso Robles (City) improved its water system by replacing the existing 21st Street Reservoir—an unconventionally-shaped earthen reservoir lined with both gunite sprayed concrete and high-density polyethylene. The existing reservoir was covered with a wood roof and truss system supported by a concrete stem wall at the perimeter of the tank and interior columns. The reservoir was constructed in 1925 and had reached the end of its useful service life.

The City replaced this reservoir with a new 4.0 million gallon (MG) partially buried, prestressed concrete tank and renamed the facility to the Main West Tank—a description that more accurately portrays its function as the main facility providing all the required storage for the City’s Main West pressure zone (one of the City’s two main pressure zones).

The new Main West Tank was constructed at the existing reservoir site and maintains the existing hydraulic grade line for the Main West pressure. The construction work consisted of demolition; construction of the new tank including appurtenances such as ladders, hatches, railing, air vent, safety equipment, and various SCADA and electrical equipment; installation of piping, including an 18-inch welded steel pressurized potable pipe, 18-inch and 12-inch stainless steel inlet manifold piping, 18-inch ductile iron pressurized potable pipe, 24-inch polypropylene drain pipe, various sizes of ductile iron pressure piping, various sizes of polyvinyl chloride drain piping beneath the tank; as well as various other items for a complete and functioning potable water storage system.


About the Presenters:

Charlie Gray, P.E.

Charlie is a Project Manager and Resident Engineer at Cannon, with over a decade of experience managing construction projects for public agencies, coordinating or providing construction inspection, and working with design teams and agency staff. Since 2010, he has provided construction management, construction inspection, or design for a variety of public improvement projects in various markets such as water resources, transportation, and structures. His communicative approach reliably propels projects from breaking ground to project completion within budget and on-schedule.

Josh Reynolds, P.E., MS 

Josh is a Principal Engineer with 21 years’ expertise in the planning, design, and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure. His particular areas of focus include master planning, condition assessment, rehabilitation and replacement design, and new infrastructure design. His broad experience allows him to identify and analyze initial project concepts, prepare construction documents, and monitor construction of the project through project completion. Josh’s hands-on approach allows him to work collaboratively with clients to find the best solution tailored to each specific problem.

Michael Goymerac, P.E.

Michael is a Professional Engineer with ten years of experience in water and wastewater infrastructure planning, design and construction. This includes new pipelines, existing pipeline rehabilitation, production and injection wells, storage tanks, recycled water system retrofits and permitting, water system automation retrofits, production groundwater wells, headworks, solids dewatering systems, reverse osmosis systems, and pump stations.  Michael’s particular interest is in civil infrastructure related to California's budding reuse field with a focus on indirect potable reuse through groundwater recharge and seawater intrusion barriers. Michael has been involved in projects from planning through design and construction providing unmatched client service through trust-based consulting, technical excellence, practical engineering solutions, and efficient delivery of projects.

Important Times

Thursday, August 18, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM PDT


SLO City/County Library (Community Room) 
995 Palm Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401  


Lunch: Shalimar
