Use the links below to contact the Coastal Branch officers with any comments or questions you may have.
President: Adam Priest, P.E.
Coastal Protection Engineering of North Carolina
Civil/Coastal engineering has shaped who I am over the course of my career. That being said, I felt a responsibility to get involved with ASCE to try and give back as well as engage/network with other engineers in the field.

Vice President: Kyle Herring, P.E.
I am serving on the Board to give back to my peers and for the betterment of our industry. It is very important that we create a collaborative environment to mentor and set a positive example for those who will be the future of our industry.

Treasurer: Sam Lohman, E.I.
Coastal Protection Engineering of North Carolina
I am serving on the Board of ASCE Coastal Branch so I can learn more about the coastal engineering community and industry in North Carolina.

Secretary: Robin Austin, P.E.
McKim and Creed
I am serving as a Board member not only to be a part of this engineering society, but to learn from others, share my expertise, and help advance the profession.
Board Representative: Open
Board Representative: Open

Mark serves with ASCE because of his passion to promote the profession of Civil Engineering, both with students as well as other professions that interact with civil engineers. Although the Coastal members are employed with competing firms and companies, Mark enjoys seeing how we put those interests aside to achieve common goals for our local engineering community.