Newsletter & Announcements
ASCE Northern Colorado Board Meeting Minutes - Feb. 02, 2024
The minutes for the Northern Colorado Branch Executive Board meeting minutes are posted on ASCE "Collaborate." This is a website hosted by the Society (National) ASCE. To access the documents, you will need to log in to your ASCE account. If you are a member of the Northern Colorado Branch ASCE, you will be able to set up an account on the website and access the documents. Contact Lisa Denke if you are not able to access the documents.
Board Minutes, Bylaws, and other documents
Passings Page Added
We are adding a page for obituaries. It's sad to see someone leave us, but it's even sadder if we don't have a way to recognize and remember them. If you know of someone whose memory could be added here, please call or email Lisa Denke at 661-547-2770 or [email protected].
March 2020
We usually work with the MathCounts competition, as well as the High Plains Library District (Greeley area) “Project Build” Program. MathCounts did not hold a competition this year. High Plains is doing everything online right now. Todd Hepworth said that Wellington Library is looking for technical support for similar programs.
The Life Member Awards, which have been presented by the local Sections & Branches, will be the responsibility of the Society (National) moving forward. The Board is seeking clarification of what the branch's involvement should be moving forward, as it is quite an achievement to become a Life Member.
Student Awards are to be presented at the May meeting. Todd Hepworth is working with Dr. Nicole Ellison of CSU on the awards.
The Multi-Region Leadership Conference is one of ASCE's annual conferences. Typically a member of the Board attends the MRLC. The 2021 event was held April 7 - 10, and was a virtual event. The 2022 MRLC will be in Austin, Texas. The MRLC for 2023 will be in Denver.
At the Board meeting March 9, 2021, the CSU Student Chapter reported that they recently cast their concrete canoe and are waiting for it to cure. They will participate in a virtual contest. They are organizing an meeting for March.
We got an update from the Colorado Section. The Northern Colorado Branch is part of the Colorado Section. The Section will host a discussion with Governor Polis March 29th 2:30pm – 3:00pm. Watch your email for details. They also report that Mesa University has started a Student Chapter.
Caleb Stock reported on the Government Affairs Committee. Infrastructure Report Card for Colorado is out (C-).
Dinner Meeting, October, 2019
A big thank you to our speakers for our October, 2019, dinner meeting!
Project Build, September, 2019: Bridge Building
We had fun building bridges with elementary students and their parents at the High Plains Library in Greeley! The kids learned about how triangles generally are stronger than squares, and how adding a truss to the sides of the bridge can stabilize it.
May 2018 Meeting: Tunneling, Student Awards
We had a great presentation and exciting student awards at our May, 2018 meeting. Thanks to Robert Moore of Merrick for the photos!
Our presenter was Robin Dornfest, R.G., of Lithos Engineering. Robin stepped in at the last minute for our scheduled presenter, who could not be there. He presented on a tunnelling project with multiple challenges.
Project Build - Wind Turbines April 21, 2017
We had a great time at the High Plains Library in Greeley building wind turbines! Judi Koch with the Library had worked out how to build turbines from cups, little motors, and corks, and the kids were successful in building them.
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Presidents and Governors Forum
Our incoming president for 2017-2018, Lance Heyer, PE, attended the Presidents and Governors Forum, held in Reston Virginia at ASCE headquarters. He brought back a number of great ideas for our Branch, including ideas on how to better utilize social media. He's in the 4th row, 6th from the right.
(Handy tip: if you want to make things bigger in your browser, hold your control key and push the + key. To make them smaller, use control and the - key.)
CSU at Regionals
CSU sent about 30 students to the ASCE Student Regional Conference at the University of Utah and they did exceptionally well!
The students presenting a technical paper, Jenna Howard, and non-technical paper, Micah Gibbons, each placed third in the oral presentation part of the competition.
The steel bridge team placed second overall (out of 14 teams) earning themselves a spot at the national competition this summer. They finished first for economy and their display, second for construction speed, and third for stiffness and efficiency.
The concrete canoe team placed third overall (out of 11 teams). They were third for their design paper and final product, and second for oral presentation. The paddling teams braved some VERY chilly, rainy weather in the morning and placed third for the co-ed sprint.
CSU finished up third overall for the entire conference. It was great to see our students doing well and also supporting each other! CSU webpage photo gallery