We received a new job posting from the City of Loveland, which they posted February 7, 2025.  It is for a Water Efficiency Coordinator.  The posting is at this link

Check out our group photo from the Chimney Hollow tour and photos from the 2024 Steel Bridge Competition!  We also have a short video of contests & events from the 2024 Rocky Mountain Symposium. 

Meetings & Events 


Date & Time Topic Speaker or Activity Place & Sponsor
2/13/25, 6 pm 43rd Street Water Tank Loveland Lithos/GEI

Venue:  The Rio, Fort Collins

Sponsors: Ditesco & Garney

3/13/25, 6 pm Transit Annabelle Phillips (Fort Collins Transfort) Sponsor:  STV
4/10 to 4/12/2025, CSU, Fort Collins Student Symposium 2025 ASCE Rocky Mtn Symposium CSU
4/17/25 Concrete Canoe  CSU Canoe Team CSU
5/8/25, 6 pm Transportation Safety Martina Wilkinson (Next Phase Engineering)

Venue TBD

Sponsor:  Next Phase Engineering


We hold Branch meetings October through May, generally on the 2nd Thursday of the month.  Meetings are not (usually!) held from June through September. 

The Northern Colorado Branch is part of the Colorado Section.  Other branches are Denver, Southern Colorado, Southwest Colorado, and Western Slope

Our schedule for the meetings is 

6 PM - Networking

6:30 - Dinner Served

7:00 - Presentation

8:00 - Concluding Remarks & Questions

Board meetings are at 4:30 pm prior to the Branch Meeting at the same venue.  If you are interested in serving on the board, we would love to have you!  

Click here to see the Previous Topics from past meetings. 

We are always interested in finding more speakers!  If you are interested in speaking, or if your facility would host a tour, contact any board member. 

Job Announcements

Send engineering openings for which you anticipate interviewing in the next month to [email protected]. ASCE Northern Colorado Branch will post the job for 3 weeks, and if we don’t hear from you, we will assume you filled it.  

To post a job announcement, send it to [email protected].

Farnsworth is looking for a Senior Engineer/Project Manager in Fort Collins.   ASCE Northern Colorado Branch received the posting from them in January, 2025.  


Younger Member Group Activities

ASCE Younger Members Group is headed up by Sawyer Lasewicz.  Contact Sawyer to get involved.  

Professional Papers Submission Deadlines

Deadlines for paper submissions, and the dates of conferences, can be found at this link: Submission Deadlines

Social Media Pages

Here are links to the social media pages for Northern Colorado Branch ASCE!  Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!  And look for the NoCo ACE Young Professionals on LinkedIn, and the CSU Student Section on their website!

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